Cancer: Unpronounceable Drugs, Incomprehensible Prices
Peter Bach (Forbes) $PFE Xalkori, $NVS Zykadia
Incomprehensible Drug Prices? Think Again
Derek Lowe (In the Pipeline)
9 Free Tools Regulatory Professionals Can use to Monitor the Regulatory Landscape
Alec Gaffney (RAPS Regulatory Focus)
Spotting Cancer in a Vial of Blood
Antonio Regalado (MIT Technology Review)
While Protesters Rage Against Tech Giants, Biotech Drives Quietly By
Alex Lash (Xconomy)
Flatley's Law: How One Company Is Creating Medicine's Genetic Revolution
Matthew Herper (Forbes) $ILMN $FMI #NGS
How Rare is the MC-to-PC Basis for Demonstrating that Two Drugs Are Not the Same Orphan Drug? Another Precedent Surfaces
Kurt Karst (FDA Law Blog)
When is orphan drug exclusivity not so exclusive?