This week marks the two-year anniversary of the BiotechDueDiligence website and my @BioDueDiligence Twitter feed. Back then I was a post-doc with a hobby-sized brokerage account, a laptop full of SEC filings, spreadsheets, slide decks, and journal articles plus a few notebooks of illegible notes from webcasts and telephone conversations. I thought I would use a website to organize my thoughts on various biotech stocks, and if a few other people found it useful, so much the better. I had no expectations, but the journey from that day to where I am now would have blown away any aspirations I could have had.
Despite changing day jobs twice, becoming a father, and losing some hair since then, I am still pretty much that same guy who would happily spend any day researching and talking about all things biotech with anyone and everyone within "earshot" of my voice, tweets, blog entries, or websites.
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