Biotech Tweets of the Week (November 23 - December 4, 2015), featuring:
- Pf-Allergan Tie-up Comes to Pfruition $PFE $AGN
- Biomarin's No Good Very Bad Day at the FDA $BMRN $SRPT
- Two strikes and you're out for Zafgen? $ZFGN
- Newsflash: Gilead sought HCV profits $GILD
- Shkreli gets quickly down to business at KaloBios $KBIO
- Plus "Seen on the Stream" recapping everything new and notable, including $ADRO $AMGN $BLCM $BLUE $DYAX $GNVC $INSY $NWBO $PRQR $QURE $RLYP $RPRX $XBI $IBB #ASH15