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Thought it was Monday morning given the glut of cancer data in my inbox!
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) November 16, 2014
— zach (@zbiotech) November 17, 2014
At some point the "learning curve" justification for poor results just means you suck
— daviesbj (@daviesbj) November 15, 2014
@JacobEPVantage maturity and biotech are not usually two words you se in the same sentence
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) November 17, 2014
How awesome is it that one of the best trading opportunities of the year happened in the last minutes of Friday. Only the dedicated win.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) November 17, 2014
@ldtimmerman Academia meets capitalism. For once all those painfully (& usually uselessly) negotiated license clauses might actually pay off
— Brian Gallagher, Jr. (@bmgallagherjr) November 18, 2014
Juno might be biotech's version of $BABA. Everybody is going to want a piece of that one.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) November 17, 2014
RT @MaverickNY: $BMY data is huge - Nivo will be front-line & pembro in post ipillimumab setting. Which would u rather have?
— Joe (@GantosJ) November 17, 2014
@bradloncar does she tweet? #bestdayofherlife ?
— Red Acre Investments (@redacre) November 17, 2014
Trailing stop loss of .20 took me out of rest of $CLDX at 17.04 from 13.99
— DeadCatBill (@getbillasap) November 17, 2014
@AndyBiotech I am beginning to think they are cursed, sell whatever they touch :-)
— JQ (@jq1234t) November 17, 2014
.@scientre yes, impt point. Its not just diversity of gender, color, and age. Its diversity of thought. More powerful
— Luke Timmerman (@ldtimmerman) November 17, 2014
CEO of UnitedHealthcare made >$50M in total comp over the last 5 yrs, but it took me 45 minutes on hold to speak to a script-reading agent.
— David Maizenberg (@biologypartners) November 17, 2014
So $crdc basically said their stapler sucks. Pulling due to doc feedback from limited launch.
— NathanAaron (@NathanAhron) November 18, 2014
Subway to 42nd St: $2. Coffee at the Hyatt $4. An in depth talk about biopharma and drug development with @scientre PRICELESS.Thanks Laura!
— David Sable (@dbsable) November 18, 2014
$ICPT long 5 DEC $175 calls at $8.50
— Rick (@Skipjackrick) November 18, 2014
"Angel investing [in biomedical research] is like raising kids. Needs time, focus, nurture, but it can be very rewarding."@edyson #p4c2014
— EmilyKramerGolinkoff (@emilykg1) November 18, 2014
Good luck to longs and shorts! I am long, I'll be upset if it poops, but I had conviction and that helps me not to get too upset. $CYNAF
— Alfredo Fontanini (@AF_biotech) November 19, 2014
$FOLD nice buying opportunity this morning.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) November 18, 2014
$fold raise 90M, was well overrx. Price at 6.50
— NathanAaron (@NathanAhron) November 19, 2014
How to interpret Bio-Tweets, part 6: "Stock ____ is overvalued!" Translation: I was stupid and didn't buy it $60 cheaper.
— Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) November 19, 2014
.@JohnCFierce If it's for anything from current pipeline, maybe ammo buildup for future war in NASH?
— Andy Biotech (@AndyBiotech) November 19, 2014
Just received saddest email ever: reason for unsubscribing - Deceased. Let's not forget there's real people involved in cancer trials
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) November 19, 2014
Using Civitas as a comp, $CYNAF is worth $3.65 per share. Drug is better, timing is nearly identical. $ACOR bought the wrong drug.
— Jason Napodano, CFA (@JNapodano) November 19, 2014
$AGIO up 17% today.
— John Carroll (@JohnCFierce) November 19, 2014
Sold all 50 $NBS put contracts at 0.65 for #zzporte profit of $1250 for a symbolic victory over the forces of evil @portefeuillefun
— Tony Friedman (@zzlangerhans) November 19, 2014
@adamfeuerstein @JohnCFierce sad. That $25M could have been invested in other ventures, or given a better use
— Juan P. Serrate, DVM (@JPZaragoza1) November 19, 2014
I still cannot believe it. 3.3 BILLION with a B dollars for #cysticfibrosis research. Amazing. Unbelievable. Transformational. #Hopeful
— Erin Moore (@ekeeleymoore) November 19, 2014
The real sleeper news on $GILD is that its priority voucher could be worth much more in a few months. Here's why: http://t.co/NxdvWrcFZZ
— Alexander Gaffney (@AlecGaffney) November 19, 2014
$RMTI just broke under the offering price $9
— Amit Gupta (@amitp_gupta) November 20, 2014
Here's the winning #bjtcawards Radio Documentary on dementia that @3NT did earlier this year: http://t.co/OFmepnXUhQ cool stuff!
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) November 20, 2014
@dbsable @Dereklowe @Columbia love how you use twitter to book speakers....so cool
— NathanAaron (@NathanAhron) November 20, 2014
@lipscrl would be nice to see market just trend....volatility chopped me up. I'm net nowhere last 2 months.
— Festo (@Festo50) November 20, 2014
Or someone trying to sell before scrip data tmrw - either or... RT @zbiotech: rumor of activist interest in $GILD icahn
— Ian Estepan (@ianestepan) November 20, 2014
FDA approves Purdue Pharma’s Hysingla ER — extended release hydrocodone with abuse deterrence. $ZGNX
— Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) November 20, 2014
Excited to be representing @xnBioPartners and @PropThinker at $TKMR analyst day tomorrow in NYC
— Zack (@BioTerp) November 20, 2014
Added to $gild $enta. Started $xoma $myl. Sold $kite $cnat. Stared at 89620x100 (I mean $sctpf) wondering what the hell?
— Joe (@Drchik23) November 20, 2014
@VikramKhanna_ If $AGIO presented the $EPZM data it would have been up 10%+
— David Sobek (@dsobek) November 20, 2014
@JacobEPVantage Yes, highly unlikely. I am pretty sure that assuming Royalty Pharma knows what it's doing $VRTX is undervalued.
— V.S. Schulz (@portefeuillefun) November 20, 2014
$RCPT is already 18% above its offering price. Textbook case of a good raise.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) November 20, 2014
@ColfaxCapital @AlpineBV_Miller $xlrn has the same problem. Odd how some stocks are like that.
— David Sobek (@dsobek) November 21, 2014
Off to dd for other neuros: do you have ideas you want to share?
— Alfredo Fontanini (@AF_biotech) November 21, 2014
$ETRM Expect $MDT buyout with FDA approval soon. Both based in Minneapolis - CEO Mark Knudson previously sold Restore Med to $MDT
— S Manian (@DrSManian) November 21, 2014
— Captain Sequence (@CaptainFuture__) November 21, 2014
“@GantosJ: the $SPY reaching New All Time High 207.27 in the PM ... the Bulls are in full control !!!!” Remember 400K+ 215 Dec call trades?
— Amit Gupta (@amitp_gupta) November 21, 2014
$CYTX rock bottom of chart, recent insider buying, multiple catalysts on the horizon. Prime Jan effect candidate.
— BiotechBreakthroughs (@BioBreakthrough) November 21, 2014
$ZGNX I think people are confused, only seeing Purdue's approval as a competition. But it's more of win-win situation.
— DigitalDeath (@itchibahn) November 21, 2014
$MDVN $100 higher than where I initiated on it back in 2011 while at BSR. Seems like forever ago.
— David Miller (@AlpineBV_Miller) November 21, 2014
All time top:)
— Festo (@Festo50) November 21, 2014