Even with the placebo group crossing over to pertuzumab, the OS w/ combo is still fantastic #CLEOPATRA #esmo14 pic.twitter.com/rCoPwyf82B
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) September 28, 2014
@Jerry_DurhamPT absolutely, health first, healthcare second, in the USA is the reverse and this is why we are where we are #bioethx
— bacigalupe (@bacigalupe) September 30, 2014
Whoa! Nivolumab completely demolishes chemotherapy in refractory melanoma. Clear cut head to head #esmo14
— Sally Church (@MaverickNY) September 29, 2014
I've received a lot of support from many of you re: Pearlstein’s smear job. Thank you, very much appreciated. Our response is coming soon.
— Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) September 29, 2014
Why do companies run ph2 studies if they’re just going to ignore results and run ph3 studies anyway? $TNXP
— Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) September 29, 2014
I give up. Sunshine data to hard for me.Somebody tell me if I recieved any pharma money (should be zero zilch nada) http://t.co/0yRkeuzIc9
— daviesbj (@daviesbj) September 30, 2014
@PropThinker @BioRunUp Small cap biotech investors prefer catalyst to cash flow. A very strong rule of thumb.
— David Sobek (@dsobek) September 30, 2014
.@redacre stock is up like 40% since jan and $nwbo hasn't shown us any real data. How exactly are shorts crushing this?
— NathanAaron (@NathanAhron) September 30, 2014
bought some $RTRX after-hours.
— Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) September 30, 2014
$TKMR now up 17% after hours on news of the first ebola case in the US.
— Bespoke (@bespokeinvest) September 30, 2014
At this rate, the $RUT is going to have to relist on the OTCBB by November...
— Colfax (@ColfaxCapital) October 1, 2014
$AKBA @VikramKhanna_ How so?would think more ppl will be aware of FibroGen's lead & IP advantage. Mkt rxn probably muted even w/ +ve data?
— Andy Biotech (@AndyBiotech) October 1, 2014
my 89 year old Dad got his 4th pacemaker yesterday. 12 year battery life. He asked the EP oldest person he has implanted a pacer in? 101
— DeadCatBill (@getbillasap) October 1, 2014
$ANTH in talks...with somebody...possibly leading to something....eventually...that is all
— zach (@zbiotech) October 1, 2014
Time to buy. Everyone is bearish.
— Festo (@Festo50) October 2, 2014
But I don't have the guts to buy anything new:)
— Festo (@Festo50) October 2, 2014
Why does the go to analysis of biotech stocks on TV always have to be technical analysis? It's the most fundamental sector there is.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) October 2, 2014
Interesting that EMA will publish sponsors' clinical study reports, but not its own analysis of the data. FDA publishes latter not former
— John Alan Tucker (@JohnTuckerPhD) October 2, 2014
Ebola, Marburg, enterovirus and MERS cover 50% of tweets tonight. Time to read a *book* (obviously needed) and ignore all this trading spam.
— Alfredo Fontanini (@AF_biotech) October 3, 2014
Dallas Ebola patient story is finally focusing media attention on electronic health record and visa process failures. http://t.co/ohnl3YYn11
— David Maizenberg (@biologypartners) October 3, 2014
US 'tax inversion' clampdown claims first scalp | http://t.co/BevBuNqlj2 $SLXP
— Bio Stocks™ (@BioStocks) October 3, 2014
Things that are awesome include: having really smart friends that are also very helpful.
— Laura Strong (@scientre) October 3, 2014