@adamfeuerstein Seems like the last time I read about agitation in AD pts, it was due to billions in off-label sales of antipsychotics $AVNR
— John Alan Tucker (@JohnTuckerPhD) September 15, 2014
@Sport234a never seen a bubble with so many stocks trading near 52 week lows.
— Colfax (@ColfaxCapital) September 15, 2014
food for thoughts ... market doesn't seem to like $AGTC that much ... if it weren't for LCA2 data before YE I'd probably sell
— Alfredo Fontanini (@AF_biotech) September 15, 2014
#Brantly: My own opinion #ZMapp had beneficial effect in my treatment; my story an anecdote; it's just 1; requires extensive testing #Ebola
— Donna Young (@ScripDonnaDC) September 16, 2014
— Bio Stocks™ (@BioStocks) September 16, 2014
Yes. MT @DewDiligence $AMRN finally talking like a serious drug co rather than a "virtual" biotech who encourages retail conspiracy nuts.
— Matthew Herper (@matthewherper) September 16, 2014
I have no position in $RTRX but if the MCap breaks <$200mil, I'll likely buy on hatred alone. Future MBA compliance class
— John Hall (@johnhallnj) September 17, 2014
$PETX is green now…almost $1.00 above the offering price. That was a Wall St mugging btw. File a shelf these days and you are shark bait.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) September 17, 2014
.@dougheuringaria thx for the very nice comments but bio's have a way of keeping u humble
— Don Shimoda (@zDonShimoda) September 17, 2014
No #FDA panel would be complete without some panel questions on the questions.
— Sarah Karlin (@SarahKarlin) September 18, 2014
@GantosJ @happyycamperr that was a weak gap yesterday, I actually sold some hoping for a pullback. $ARWR one of my favs
— Olddogwithnewtrix (@olddoggnewtrix) September 18, 2014
@AndyBiotech Ít's the most abused phrase in drug development period.
— Dirk Haussecker (@RNAiAnalyst) September 18, 2014
Twitter as community #BCSM with measured clinical results improving outcomes for people with breast cancer. @stales #BoldTalks #INBOUND14
— Laura Fitton (@Pistachio) September 18, 2014
DIA afternoon session on naming for biosimilars. No one cares about this issue. Kidding.
— Ramsey Baghdadi (@Ramsey_Baghdadi) September 18, 2014
It's not exactly on topic, but wish a reporter would ask Commissioner Goodell about the 30% chance of Az/dementia stat that came up last wk.
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) September 19, 2014
In 1971, only 1 in 69 people was a cancer survivor. Today, 1 in 22 people is a cancer survivor. #cancerprogress14
— CHI (@calhealthcare) September 19, 2014
Interesting- last night $imgn created severance agreements for all vp and > terminated w/o cause and today cmo resigns
— NathanAaron (@NathanAhron) September 19, 2014
Just talked to $SRPT flak, company says manufacturing is NOT to blame for delay in trial start. But they're not saying what is
— Don Seiffert (@BosBizDon) September 19, 2014
@Mykalt45 @dbsable @MaverickNY + more of a moral issue in today's connected world as spinning results can give patients false hope.
— Oli Rayner (@oli_rayner) September 19, 2014
Antibiotics R&D to get critical lift by executive order, Obama advisory group http://t.co/UtR5p2gLr2
— Emory Redd (@Emory_R) September 20, 2014