I know nothing about the $HPTX situation - repeat: nothing - but amid the blame for the actual perpetrators, maybe a due diligence failure?
— Michael Gilman (@michael_gilman) September 8, 2014
@bioduediligence @sharkbiotech The sad part is that paper was the study that was manipulated to look good…and it was still mediocre. Haha
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) September 8, 2014
sold too soon is the new losing
— Gav (@gavparks) September 8, 2014
RT @BioDueDiligence: $SPPI phase 3 go data was so awesome they decided not to share any of it
— Adam Feuerstein (@adamfeuerstein) September 9, 2014
With IPO money to deploy I expect #Alibaba won't let this Tencent challenge in ehealth go unanswered. Expect more investments in this space.
— David Maizenberg (@biologypartners) September 9, 2014
$PSDV $25M milestone payment in case of approval.. that's >18% of the co. Market Cap 137.78M
— Joe (@GantosJ) September 9, 2014
Listening to drug pricing "experts" would be easier if any of them actually ever risked capital at any point in their lives.
— David Miller (@AlpineBV_Miller) September 9, 2014
@zbiotech I think ASH is going to be interesting for $BMY and $MRK as we see if anti-PD1 can be extended to heme.
— David Sobek (@dsobek) September 10, 2014
Whoa. MT @MelindaBBuntin: "Longevity is such a recent phenomenon...of all [humans] who have lived to the age of 65+, half are alive today."
— Austin Frakt (@afrakt) September 10, 2014
@daviesbj @Dereklowe For > impact, suggest @US_FDA low barrier pathway for Thiola like tx. Need quality at reasonable cost OR improved tx
— Laura Strong (@scientre) September 11, 2014
I feel better about Dr. Sacra getting supportive care in the US than I do about whatever "secret serum" he may be receiving.
— Tony Friedman (@zzlangerhans) September 11, 2014
$NPSP @Sport234a Think patient testimony swayed the panel today, just shows again the power of patients in these #RareDisease AdComs.
— Andy Biotech (@AndyBiotech) September 12, 2014
I was randomly searching for WL drug DTC on YouTube and an ad for bacon stuffed pizza played before Belviq. $ARNA pic.twitter.com/koFrVypQk3
— Brad Loncar (@bradloncar) September 12, 2014
$gild this rumored pricing seems pretty great to me, from the perspective of getting payor acceptance. From a guy tired of sim/sof appeals
— biotechnicality (@biotechnicality) September 12, 2014
$AMRN denied on appeal
— zach (@zbiotech) September 12, 2014
Averaging down on losing trades has led to my biggest losses as a trader. It has also caused me to get to "big" in a position. GLTA!
— HumbleBioTrader (@HumbleBioTrader) September 12, 2014