Wolszon et al. (FDA Law Blog) $FMI
Hedge Funds Listen In on Patient Chats for Pharma Bets
Caroline Chen (Bloomberg)
'60 Minutes' Just Attacked High Drug Prices. Here's What You Should Know
Matthew Herper (Forbes)
‘Financial Toxicity:’ Who’s Really to Blame for High Cancer Drug Prices?
Ed Silverman (Pharmalot / WSJ)
Setting the Record Straight on GRAS: Part 2
Carvajal and McColl (FDA Law Blog)
Glut of postdoc researchers stirs quiet crisis in science
Carolyn Johnson (Boston Globe)
The Immune System Fights Back: Reprogrammed T cells show promise at beating blood cancers, but other foes may be tougher to vanquish
Lisa Jarvis (C&EN) - on CAR-T. $BLUE $NVS $KITE Cellectis Juno