Saturday June 4th: Oral Presentation
Abstract #4502 2:15 PM - 2:30 PM
"An evaluation of clusterin antisense inhibitor OGX-011 in combination with the second-generation antiandrogen MDV3100 in a castrate-resistant prostate cancer model."
Hiroaki Matsumoto, MD
Sunday June 5th: Poster Presentation
Abstract #4592
"Interim results of a randomized phase II study with window-design to evaluate antitumor activity of the survivin antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) LY2181308 in combination with docetaxel for first-line treatment of castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)."
Pawel J. Wiechno, MD, PhD
Sunday June 5th: Poster Presentation
Abstract #4573
"CLU inhibition using OGX-011 as an adjuvant therapeutic strategy for HSP90 inhibition in prostate cancer."
Francois Lamoureux, PhD