Stewart Lyman (Xconomy)
Doctors Denounce Cancer Drug Prices of $100,000 a Year
New York Times
Data Submitted Before 2010 shouldn't be Used to Approve Biosimilars, Group Says
Alex Gaffney (Regulatory Focus)
This fight may seem far-fetched but I don't see it going away anytime soon.
An Open Letter To The PhRMA CEO On Pharma's Image
John LaMattina (Forbes)
From Assets to Zen: Building Successful Drug Hunting Relationships
John Mendlein (Xconomy)
ASCO 2013: it's coming...the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting that is. Check back for much more coverage here at BiotechDueDiligence and HSP90 Central in the weeks to come (the first two preview posts are live now over on the HSP90 Central blog). So far, presentations titles have been released, but not fulltext abstracts with the actual data. You can search for presentations related to you favorite stock or drug using the ASCO13 iPlanner.