- Top 10 Experimental Cancer Drugs - 201 (FierceBiotech)
- ASCO Wrap-Up: Cancer News from the West Coast (Luke TImmerman, Xconomy)
- ASCO Research Round-up (Easy to understand, patient-focused data summaries)
The Biotech IPO Scorecard: Who’s Up, Who’s Down in 2013 (Xconomy)
You can find some info on recent biotech IPO's here at BiotechDueDiligence, but I haven't been able to build out this feature as much as I would like - any volunteers to help?
Beyond Borders: Matters of evidence
2013 Biotech Industry Report from Ernst & Young (free access to PDF)
My Own Genome Project
Carol Cadwalladr (The Observer)
Sorry, no coverage of the FDA Advisory Committee hearing on AVANDIA...two whole days just wore me out. Start on Matthew Herper's stream and work from there if you're interested.
Be sure to check out my full list of links and resources for the biotech enthusiast. I'll be adding each of these new resources to the collection:
- ASCO University: Oncology Slide Library (A wealth of free information, slide decks, etc.)
- Researching Public Companies Through EDGAR: A Guide for Investors (Provided by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- DeepDyve Five Minute Freemium (A new program from a service that provides access to fulltext scientific and medical journal articles)
- Clinical Trials Database (Health Canada)