Navigate the Sarepta Therapeutics $SRPT and eteplirsen information pages
Formerly AVI BioPharma $AVII
Webcasts and Events
Stock Analysis and Reporting
Eteplirsen Info
Media Reports and Patient Testimonials
Scientific and Medical Presentations
DMD and Competition
Infectious Disease Pipeline
Get first-hand perspective and education information from an inspiring family with two boys with DMD, plus learn how you can make a difference - visit
Webcasts and Events
Stock Analysis and Reporting
Eteplirsen Info
Media Reports and Patient Testimonials
Scientific and Medical Presentations
DMD and Competition
Infectious Disease Pipeline
Get first-hand perspective and education information from an inspiring family with two boys with DMD, plus learn how you can make a difference - visit
Infectious Disease Programs
- US Government funded programs for Ebola and Marburg viruses
- Summer 2012 Ebola placed on stop work order by Dept of Defense
- October 2012 - Tekmira TKMR reports that their contract will continue, reports on Twitter are that Sarepta program has been de-selected - and now we have a news link confirming. No effect on the Marburg program, which remain a source of non-dilutive funding for SRPT.
AVI-7100 Flu Drug
Another program supported by the US government. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIH/NIAID).
December 2012: the NIH has starting enrolling 150 healthy volunteers in a phase 1 clinical trial evaluating the safety of AVI-7100.
December 2012: the NIH has starting enrolling 150 healthy volunteers in a phase 1 clinical trial evaluating the safety of AVI-7100.