Gina Kolata (New York Times)
You can find the actual NEJM articles (free access) in the latest Journal Watch entry.
Stem Cells: The center of "right to try"
Derek Lowe (In the Pipeline)
States, Feds on Collision Course Over ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ Laws
Jonathon Easley (Morning Consult)
Empowering Consumers through Accurate Genomic Tests
Jeffrey Shuren (FDA Voice Blog) [official]
23andMe co-founder Anne Wojcicki’s Washington charm offensive
Ariana Eunjung Cha (Washington Post)
On the topic of 23andMe and personalized genomic products.
“On the way to changing the world, there are no signposts” : the illusory power of precedents
Drug Baron Blog
The C.E.O. Is My Friend. So Back Off.
Gretchen Morgenson (New York Times)
Just who is the Board of Directors looking out for?
Study finds vaccine side effects extremely rare
Liz Szabo (USA Today)
"The most dangerous aspect of giving your child vaccines is driving to the office to get them"
Forgotten In The Sovaldi Price Debate: Hep-C Patients And Healthcare Savings
John LaMattina (Forbes)
Diabetics Get Freedom in Bionic Pancreas Real-World Trial
Michelle Fey Cortez (Bloomberg)